Be Still, My Soul
2023 系列音樂會之貳
今年五月福爾摩沙合唱團將再度與美國指揮Thomas Holm合作,「成就音樂是沒有捷徑的」,家博士在與福爾摩沙合唱團排練中不斷強調,為了更接近完美的音樂,必須像鑄鐵般一層一層堆疊反覆鍛鍊。
本次音樂會將帶來布拉姆斯op104混聲無伴奏作品,憂鬱的詞意配上激昂高亢的旋律和複雜的和聲,反映出作曲家感嘆青春消逝的悲壯情感;也將演唱印尼棉蘭年輕作曲家Ken Steven (1993-)以馬來亞音階為基礎的《Dawn and Dusk》捕捉從黎明初現的清脆鳥鳴到日落時分的深沉鼓動,每一個時刻都有其獨特的音調和節奏。音樂會曲目豐富多元,將帶您踏上一段獨特的福爾摩沙之旅,讓您體驗前所未有的音樂之美。
福爾摩沙合唱團 2023系列音樂會之二《Be Still, My Soul》
時間:5.28 (日) 19:30
地點:國家兩廳院 國家音樂廳
客席指揮:Thomas Holm
團體購票請洽詢 福爾摩沙合唱團 02-2591-9422
In May, Formosa Singers will once again collaborate with American conductor Thomas Holm.
“Achieving music has no shortcuts," emphasized the maestro during rehearsals with Formosa Singers, insisting that to approach perfect music, one must build layer upon layer like casting iron, constantly honing their skills.
This concert will feature Brahms' Op. 104 mixed chorus a cappella work, with its melancholic lyrics set against an impassioned and complex melody and harmony that reflect the composer's tragic emotions over the passing of youth. Additionally, we will also perform "Dawn and Dusk," a piece by the young Indonesian composer Ken Steven (1993-), which is based on the Malay scale and captures the crisp chirping of birds at dawn and the deep resonating beats of sunset, with each moment possessing its unique tonality and rhythm. With a rich and diverse repertoire, this concert will take you on a unique journey, allowing you to experience the beauty of choral music like never before.